Begin your Journey at dream nannies Application Form for Parents Registration for Families looking for a Nanny/Babysitter: Preferred way to contact youCell PhoneLand PhoneEmail Childcare/service(s) you are looking for:Permanent/Regular Full-time Nanny (1year)Permanent/Regular Part-time Nanny (1year)Temporary Full-time NannyTemporary Part-time NannyOccasional BabysitterOther (Please explain below) Information about your Child(ren) –> Name, Nickname, Date of Birth, Gender: Any allergies or other medical conditions we need to be aware of? Yes No Please briefly describe your family’s hobbies, interests and lifestyle: Any other important information or need of your family: Do you have any pet? Yes No If yes, please describe the type(s) and number(s) of your pet: Please describe your dream nanny/caregiver. What is the most important quality you’re looking for, or what would you want/value the most in the caregiver? How many hours of childcare/nanny service do you need per week in total? Do you need childcare/nanny service for the weekends, evenings or overtime? Yes No Please provide the desired schedule below: What rate would you like to pay to your nanny/childcare provider? (The average rate in BC is $20/hour) Would you expect the nanny to provide any additional services? For example: light housekeeping, cooking, pet care, assisting children with homework, driving children to and from places etc. Please provide details below. Will you provide any automobile/car for the caregiver to drive and transport your child(ren)? Yes No Any other expectation or additional information you’d like to share that may help us find your dream nanny for your family? How did you hear about us? Thank you for your application! Please allow us 24 hours/1 day to get back to you! Submit